Tuesday 6 May 2008


I am a bit of a facebook addict. I know it's not the worst of things but it is easy to spend long amounts of time on it, time that probably should have been used doing other things. The link at the bottom to to a report about lose of productivity in the workplace due to facebook.

I think there is pro's and con's to facebook, myspace, bebo, etc. It is easy to waste a lot of time on them. But if you do use them sensibly its a great way to keep in contact with people.

Saturday 3 May 2008

Heather Mills

People have strong opinions about Heather Mills, usually bad. I don't understand why this is. I don't particularly like her but I definitely don't hate her. She hasn't done anything that deserves the press see gets. Shes not even referred to by her name any more, her name is "Lady Mucca" in the papers.
The bad press started when it was claimed she was a high class hooker. If this is true she still doesn't deserve what is written about her.
Does anyone know what it is shes done that makes her so hated?

This is Heather Mills official website.

Wednesday 30 April 2008

Page 3

Oxford Union recently debated whether page 3 was acceptable anymore. The debate include journalists on both sides, and Page girls obviously on the team for, page 3. The result was in favour of page 3, 230 for and 129 against.

I agree with the results. I think page three is harmless its not really porn and i do not believe it is degrading to women. I'm sure none of the girls doing it don't either because they wouldn't continue. My only concern with page 3 is all those girls who aspire to be one, and put themselves in danger with dangerous people pretending to be a photographer.
This link, is to an article by a journalist present at the debate.

Tuesday 29 April 2008


Betrayal is something that everyone will experience in there lives, whether its betrayal by a partner, a friend or a parent its something that is part of life.

What type of betrayal is the worst is down to the individual. When you about betrayal people usually think of cheating by a partner. This is probably because its so personal.

I think betrayal is part of life. Its how you deal with something along these lines that helps to make the person you are.

Its not right to betray a person but their will always be people who will.

This site deals with the effects of betrayal, and how to cope.

Monday 28 April 2008


I don't think bullying should be tolerated at all. From what I saw of bullying in schools, I defiantly think there is still a big problem. I don't think enough is done in schools to prevent it.

Its not just a problem in school its also a issue in the workplace. I think any type of bullying is completely wrong. Some people describe bullying as character building, i think it could have that effort on some people, but for most it must just destroy there confidence.

This website includes advice for children and adults experiencing work.

Sunday 27 April 2008


When people discuss suicide you often hear the comment, it is the cowards way out. I completely disagree with this. How could killing yourself be a easy thing to do? To be in a situation where you believe your only option is to die is awful, I don't no how anyone could criticise them. It must be bad for the family and friends left behind. So in this way I suppose it could be described a a selfish act. But you have to keep in mind that the person wasn't well.

A recent example of a person committing suicide is Mark Speight, A children's TV presenter who killed himself following the death of his girlfriend. This story is extremely sad and highlights the the issue of suicide.

This is a link to an article about Mark Speights death.

This Link is to a discussion board where Mark Speight death is being discussed, it shows two very different opinions.

Friday 25 April 2008

Comment 3


This is in response to Rachel Summers blog on swearing. I agree that unnecessary swearing is annoying and its not good to swear around children. But I don't think swearing is a particulary bad thing some people do swear a lot, but it may just be the way they speak. It might not be said with any anger or malice and I think that makes a big difference. I personally don't swear much and if I had children I would avoid swearing around them, but if they did hear me say the odd swear word I wouldn't be to bothered.